Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

In this thesis, we investigate the following three fields on multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems with limited feedback. End-to-end distortion: The first part of the thesis presents the joint impact of antenna numbers, source-to-channel bandwidth ratio, spatial correlation and time diversity on the optimum expected end-to-end distortion in an outage-free MIMO system. In particular, based on the analytical expression for any signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the closed-form expression of the asymptotic optimum expected end-to-end distortion at a high SNR is derived, comprised of the optimum distortion exponent and the optimum distortion factor. The simulation results illustrate that, at a practical high SNR, the analysis on the impacts of the optimum distortion exponent and the optimum distortion factor ... toggle 4 keywords

MIMO distortion analog transmission layered multiplexing


Chen, Jinhui
Publication Year
Upload Date
March 28, 2011

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