Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

It is well known that Ultra WideBand (UWB) transmission is inherently robust against small-scale-fading (SSF) that arises in multipath scattering environments, due to its large signal bandwidth. However, no model with a physical interpretation exists that relates the variations of received signal strength to the signal bandwidth and general channel parameters, like e.g. the average channel power delay profile. Such a model would be of relevance for e.g. system designers, who have to make tradeoffs between system aspects, like complexity and energy efficiency on one hand, and robustness against small-scale fading on the other hand. In this thesis, a model is presented that allows for such a tradeoff analysis, relating the average power delay profile ... toggle 5 keywords

UWB transmitted reference turbo equalization non-linear modeling uwb channel fading statistics


Romme, Jac
Graz University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Jan. 3, 2011

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