Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Since Marconi succeeded in carrying out the first wireless transmission in 1894, experimental research has been always linked with wireless communications. Today, most wireless communications research relies only on computer simulations. Although computer simulations are necessary and recommendable for wireless systems evaluation, they only reflect the simulation environment rather than the actual scenarios in which wireless systems operate. Consequently, it is desirable to assess wireless communications systems in real-world scenarios while, at the same time, keeping the required effort within reasonable terms. Among the different strategies suitable for undertaking such assessment, the testbed approach constitutes a simple and flexible enough solution based on the software-defined radio concept in which only the fundamental operations (usually the ... toggle 6 keywords

testbed MIMO wireless communications HSDPA LDGM channel capacity


Garcia Naya, Jose Antonio
Universidade da Coruna
Publication Year
Upload Date
Sept. 21, 2010

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