Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

In this thesis we examine the autonomous oscillator model for synthesis of speech signals. The contributions comprise an analysis of realizations and training methods for the nonlinear function used in the oscillator model, the combination of the oscillator model with inverse filtering, both significantly increasing the number of `successfully' re-synthesized speech signals, and the introduction of a new technique suitable for the re-generation of the noise-like signal component in speech signals. Nonlinear function models are compared in a one-dimensional modeling task regarding their presupposition for adequate re-synthesis of speech signals, in particular considering stability. The considerations also comprise the structure of the nonlinear functions, with the aspect of the possible interpolation between models for different ... toggle 4 keywords

speech synthesis nonlinear signal processing oscillator model bayesian learning


Rank, Erhard
Vienna University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Aug. 16, 2010

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