Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This thesis investigates the application of language models based on semantic similarity to Automatic Speech Recognition for meetings. We consider data-driven Latent Semantic Analysis based and knowledge-driven WordNet-based models. Latent Semantic Analysis based models are trained for several background domains and it is shown that all background models reduce perplexity compared to the n-gram baseline models, and some background models also significantly improve speech recognition for meetings. A new method for interpolating multiple models is introduced and the relation to cache-based models is investigated. The semantics of the models is investigated through a synonymity task. WordNet-based models are defined for different word-word similarities that use information encoded in the WordNet graph and corpus information. It ...


Pucher, Michael
Graz University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Aug. 12, 2010

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