Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Condition monitoring of machines through vibration analysis has been successfully applied on different types of machines for several decades. However, there are still some mechanical systems where its use has not given the same good results. Epicyclic gearboxes (EG) belong to this group of systems. Due to its special characteristics, EG are used in a wide range of applications within the drive technology, mostly when high power transmission is required. Machines dealing with high power transmission are typically critical, which means that a large part of the process in which they are involved depends on their appropriate operation. Hence, there is a high interest on a solution that can effectively detect failures in EG at ... toggle 7 keywords

epicyclic gearbox vibrations acoustic emissions gears bearings cyclostationarity signal processing


Molina Vicuna, Cristian
RWTH Aachen University
Publication Year
Upload Date
March 19, 2010

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