Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are encountered for example in communications if several transmit and receive antennas are empoyed, such that a separate transmit channel exists between every possible pairing of transmitter and receiver antennas. As a results if this spatial diversity, the channel capacity is dramatically increased over the single-inout single-output (SISO) case. While this increase is desired, the use of high data rates requires sophistiocated equalisation and/or detection schemes in the receiver to compensate for spatial and temporal dispersion in broadband MIMO channels, since a time-dispersive, in addition ot spatially-dispersice channel, must be assumed. The estimation of the broadband MIMO channel or its inverse is in general difficult and calls for training sequences that ...


Bale, Viktor
University of Southampton
Publication Year
Upload Date
March 6, 2010

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