Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

There are an increasing number of problems that can be solved using paraunitary filter banks. The design of optimal orthonormal filter banks for the efficient coding of signals has received considerable interest over the years. In contrast, very little attention has been given to the problem of constructing paraunitary matrices for the purpose of broadband signal subspace estimation. This thesis begins by relating these two areas of research. A frequency-domain method of diagonalising parahermitian polynomial matrices is proposed and shown to have fundamental limitations. Then the thesis focuses on the development of a novel time-domain technique that extends the eigenvalue decomposition to polynomial matrices, referred to as the second order sequential best rotation (SBR2) algorithm. ... toggle 6 keywords

orthonormal subband coders paraunitary matrix polynomial matrix eigenvalue decomposition principal component filter banks strong decorrelation spectral majorization


Redif, Soydan
University of Southampton
Publication Year
Upload Date
Feb. 16, 2010

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