Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Digital subscriber line (DSL) technology is currently the most widely deployed broadband internet access technology and will continue to play an important role during the next decade. However, one of the major sources that limits the performance of current DSL systems is crosstalk, which is a channel distortion that is caused by the electromagnetic coupling among the different copper wires (DSL connections). Multi-user resource management is a very promising approach to prevent or even remove the impact of crosstalk, and that can significantly increase the performance of DSL systems. In this thesis, multiple efficient algorithms are proposed for multi-user resource management that only require a very low computational complexity and that can be applied to ... toggle 23 keywords

dynamic spectrum management digital subscriber lines DSL crosstalk MIMO DMT OFDM resource management distributed optimization geometric programming nonconvex optimization branch and bound dual decomposition lagrange multiplier green dsl fairness cross-layer interference channel multiple access channel MAC broadcast channel BC GDFE


Tsiaflakis, Paschalis
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Publication Year
Upload Date
Feb. 3, 2010

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