Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

CDMA is the multiple access technique selected for the 3G mobile communications systems and it has a significant role in the research beyond 3G systems. CDMA systems over wireless channels have to cope with fading multipath propagation, which makes the channel estimation an important issue in CDMA receivers. Despite a significant amount of scientific literature on CDMA receivers, there are still open problems regarding the multipath delay and coefficient estimation in hostile environments and the design of low-complexity DSP-based channel estimators for CDMA applications. Good multipath delay estimation techniques can also find their applicability in mobile phone positioning, which is an area with many challenging questions. Additionally, theoretical measures of performance in CDMA detection in ...


Lohan, Elena Simona
Tampere University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
May 15, 2009

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