Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

The analysis and design of new non-centralized learning algorithms for potential application in distributed adaptive estimation is the focus of this thesis. Such algorithms should be designed to have low processing requirement and to need minimal communication between the nodes which would form a distributed network. They ought, moreover, to have acceptable performance when the nodal input measurements are coloured and the environment is dynamic. Least mean square (LMS) and recursive least squares (RLS) type incremental distributed adaptive learning algorithms are first introduced on the basis of a Hamiltonian cycle through all of the nodes of a distributed network. These schemes require each node to communicate only with one of its neighbours during the learning ... toggle 6 keywords

adaptive filtering distributed adaptive estimation energy conservation relation affine projection variable tap-length fractional tap-length


Li, Leilei
Loughborough University
Publication Year
Upload Date
March 26, 2009

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