Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Accurate auralisation remains the Holy Grail of room acoustics. Until now the models used for room impulse response (RIR) simulation have been either impractical to use due to excessive computational loading or based upon simplified approaches, unable to provide the levels of perceptual accuracy required by many applications. An example is the archaeological acoustic investigation of the intriguing properties of Neolithic passage graves such as Newgrange. After reviewing the currently available options, this thesis concentrates on digital waveguide mesh (DWM) physical modelling, on the premise that the three-dimensional (3D) version of this technique can be developed to provide the desired accuracy with reasonable computation times. Various 3D-mesh topologies, namely rectilinear, tetrahedral, octahedral and cubic close-packed ... toggle 6 keywords

physical modelling FDTD topologies tetrahedral parallelisation validation


Campos, Guilherme
University of York / Department of Electronics
Publication Year
Upload Date
Jan. 19, 2009

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