Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

In the field of adaptive filtering the most commonly applied filter structure is the transversal filter, also referred to as the tapped-delay line (TDL). The TDL is composed of a cascade of unit delay elements that are tapped, weighted and then summed. Thus, the output of a TDL is formed by a linear combination of its input signal at various delays. The weights in this linear combination are called the tap weights. The number of delay elements, or equivalently the number of tap weights, determines the duration of the impulse response of the TDL. For this reason, one often speaks of a finite impulse response (FIR) filter. In a general adaptive filtering scheme the adaptive ... toggle 4 keywords

adaptive filters orthonormal bases laguerre kautz


Belt, harm
Eindhoven University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Dec. 18, 2008

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