Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Since their inception, energy dissipation has been a critical issue for mobile computing systems. Although a large research investment in low-energy circuit design and hardware level energy management has led to more energy-efficient architectures, even then, there is a growing realization that the contribution to energy conservation should be more rigorously considered at higher levels of the systems, such as operating systems and applications. This dissertation puts forth the claim that energy-aware compilation to improve appli- cation quality both in terms of execution time and energy consumption is essential for a high performance mobile computing embedded system design. Our work is a design paradigm shift from the logic gate being the basic silicon computation unit, ... toggle 4 keywords

energy aware source-to-source multimedia processor workload characterization


Azeemi, N. Zafar
Vienna University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
July 2, 2008

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