Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Cued Speech facilitates hearing-impaired people communication by completing lipreading. Basically, its purpose is to add manual gestures nearby the face in order to disambiguate the lip motion which is not self-sufficient for a complete understanding of the message. The goal of Telephony for Hearing IMpaired Project is to elaborate a terminal which allows communication based on French Cued Speech. Amongst the manifoldness of functionalities it requires, it is mandatory to automatically recognize French Cued Speech manual gestures. The subject of this work is the segmentation, the analysis and the recognition of Cued Speech gestures. It requires image and video processing techniques as well as data fusion, classification and gesture recognition techniques. In order to achieve ... toggle 14 keywords

french cued speech gesture recognition machine perception pattern analysis motion evaluation retina video processing classification SVM HMM belief function partial pignistic transform american sign language modality fusion


Burger, Thomas
Publication Year
Upload Date
Oct. 17, 2008

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