Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is seen as one of several promising technologies aimed to help mine detection. GPR is sensitive to any inhomogeneity in the ground. Therefore any APM regardless of the metal content can be detected. On the other hand, all the inhomogeneities, which do not represent mines, show up as a clutter in GPR images. Moreover, it is known that reflectivity of APM is often weaker than that of stones, pieces of shrapnel and barbed wire, etc. Altogether these factors cause GPR to produce unacceptably high false alarm rate whilst it reaches the 99.6% detection rate which is prescribed by an UN resolution as a standard for humanitarian demining. The main goal of ... toggle 4 keywords

ground penetrating radar landmine detection clutter suppression feature fusion


Kovalenko, Vsevolod
Delft University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Sept. 9, 2008

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