Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This thesis investigates noncoherent multi-channel ultra-wideband receivers. Noncoherent ultra-wideband receivers promise low power consumption and low processing complexity as they, in contrast to coherent receiver architectures, relinquish the need of complex carrier frequency and phase recovering. Unfortunately, their peak data rate is limited by the delay spread of the multipath radio channel. Noncoherent multi-channel receivers can break this rate limit due to their capability to demodulate multi-carrier signals. Such receivers use an analog front-end to separate the received signals into their sub-channels. In this work, the modeling and optimization of realistic front-end components is addressed and their impact on the system performance of noncoherent multi-channel ultra-wideband receivers is analyzed. With a proposed generalized mathematical framework, ... toggle 12 keywords

UWB noncoherent multi-channel MIMO low-power low-complexity nonlinear receiver multiplier integrator mixed-signal signal processing


Pedroß-Engel, Andreas
Graz University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
July 2, 2014

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