Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

The evolution of electronic devices has made a tremendous progress within the last 50 years, thus today's world they can be found nearly everywhere, such as cell phones, camcorders, antiblock-brakes. The design of such complex system, that consists of hardware and software has to cope with several obstacles like for example high system complexity and increasing economical demands like shortened time-to-market. Those barriers get especially visible in the wireless domain. Here, design productivity lacks behind the possible computational complexity famously described with Moore's law. The importance to cope efficently with these problems of system designing has been highlighted by the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors. This thesis examines one of the design tasks namely design ... toggle 3 keywords

embedded systems metrics design space exploration


Holzer, Martin
Vienna University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
July 3, 2008

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