Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Packet delay is among the most important characteristics of networks, since it directly impacts the user satisfaction. Accordingly, it is often used for benchmarking networks. Modern mobile cellular networks handle data streams with complex algorithms, in order to maximize the achievable throughput. Considering that, two question arise: (i) How can latency be measured in such networks? (ii) Are respective concepts from wired networks directly applicable to wireless networks? This thesis provides a self-contained guide on how to measure packet delay in mobile cellular networks. Covered aspects reach from timekeeping on tracing hardware to the design of measurement processes. Measurements in operational networks have evidenced them to be reactive; namely, the experienced latency depends on the ... toggle 7 keywords

packet delay latency mobile cellular networks measurement methodology non-linear modelling auto-regressive moving-average modelling long range dependent time series


Laner, Markus
Vienna University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Jan. 12, 2014

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