Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

In this thesis I describe the setup and design of a flexible rapid prototyping platform for RFID systems to provide an experimental verification environment for RFID systems, that allows their real-time exploration in distinct measurement setups. Furthermore, I use this system to test the feasibility of novel signal processing algorithms for RFID reader receivers, which promise a performance increase to state-of-the-art-receivers. Three different scenarios are considered: 1. In the first scenario, a single tag communicates with a single receive antenna reader. The performance of the optimal maximum likelihood sequence decoder is identified, and losses due to channel estimation and synchronisation are discussed. Due to the wide deviation from the nominal data rate in the uplink ... toggle 15 keywords

RFID radio frequency identification MIMO multiple antennas rapid prototyping experimental evaluation digital receiver maximal ratio combining MRC localisation localization doa estimation reader collision recovery signal processing


Angerer, Christoph
Vienna University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Aug. 17, 2010

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