Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

are involved until the development of Sequential Monte Carlo techniques which are also known as the particle filters. In particle filtering, the problem is expressed in terms of state-space equations where the linearity and Gaussianity requirements of the Kalman filtering are generalized. Therefore, we need information about the functional form of the state variations. In this thesis, we bring a general solution for the cases where these variations are unknown and the process distributions cannot be expressed by any closed form probability density function. Here, we propose a novel modeling scheme which is as unified as possible to cover all these problems. Therefore we study the performance analysis of our unifying particle filtering methodology on ... toggle 4 keywords

bayesian signal processing time-varying autoregressive process nonstationary mixtures source separation


Gencaga, Deniz
Bogazici University
Publication Year
Upload Date
April 10, 2008

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